10 professionally retouched digital photos
All unedited good-quality* digital photos
* In average between 30 to 100 good-quality photos are selected from photos taken in a session
13 professionally retouched digital photos
All unedited good-quality* digital photos
* In average between 30 to 100 good-quality photos are selected from photos taken in a session
Parents/Sibling Photos included at no additional cost
Baby,Newborn,Photography,Newborn Photographer,Newborn Photography,Newborn Photography In-studio, SunnyVale, Los gatos,Monte sereno, Saragota, West San jose, Cupertino, Campbell,Cambrian Park,Maternity Photography,Maternity Photo-shoot,Pregnancy Photography, Pregnancy Photo shoot, Maternity Photographer
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Basic Cake Smash: 1.5-Hour Session | $590
1st Birthday Photography
10 professionally retouched digital photos
All unedited good-quality* digital photos
Bronze Cake Smash: 2-Hour Session | $740
1st Birthday Photography
13 professionally retouched digital photos
All unedited good-quality* digital photos
Parents/Sibling Photos included at no additional cost
* In average between 30 to 100 good-quality photos are selected from photos taken in a session
Rescheduling and cancellation policy: For reschedules and cancellations please contact us at least 72 hours in advance in order to avoid being charged for the scheduled session.